Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eichmann in Jerusalem or Howard Zinn on Democratic Education

Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

Author: Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt's authoritative report on the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann includes further factual material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt's postscript directly addressing the controversy that arose over her account.

Michael A. Musmanno

There will be those who wonder how Miss Arendt, after attending the Eichman trial and studying the record and pertinent material, could announce, as she solemnly does in this book, that Eichman was not really a Nazi at heart, that he did really not know Hilter's program when he joined the party, that the Gestapo were helpful to the Jews in Palestinian immigration, that Himmler (Himmler!) had a sense of pity, that the Jewish gas-killing program grew out of Hitler's euthanasia program and that, all in all, Eichmann was really a modest man.-- Books of the Century; New York Times

Read also Nutraceutical Proteins and Peptides in Health and Disease or Stalking Harassment and Murder in the Workplace

Howard Zinn on Democratic Education (Series in Critical Narrative)

Author: Howard Zinn

Perhaps no other historian has had a more profound and revolutionary impact on American education than Howard Zinn. This is the first book devoted to his views on education and its role in a democratic society.

Howard Zinn on Democratic Education describes what is missing from school textbooks and in classrooms - and how we move beyond these deficiencies to improve student education. Critical skills of citizenship are insufficiently developed in schools, according to Zinn. Textbooks and curricula must be changed to transcend the recitation of received wisdom too common today in our schools. In these respects, recent Bush Administration and educational policies of most previous presidents have been on the wrong track in meeting educational needs.

This book seeks to redefine national goals at a time when public debates over education have never been more polarized — nor higher in public visibility and contentious debate.

Table of Contents:
1Apparatus of lies USA : introduction1
2Schools and the manufacture of mass deception : a dialogue27
3A people's history of the United States67
4How free is higher education?87
5Columbus and western civilization97
6Grey matters interviews Howard Zinn123
7Being left : growing up class-conscious137
8What Bush's war on terror is all about157
9The diverted left163
10A campaign without class167
11Federal bureau of intimidation175
12Why students should study history : an interview187

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